Service Manuals DRYER (DIY) Manual Service Manuals


What is a Dryer Do-It-Yourself manual?

Regular service/repair manuals that we sell for each manufacturer contain specific information on repairing the specific model. However, these assume a level of experience with repairing dryers. If not experienced, or you want to learn even more on repairing a refrigerator, sells DIY manuals for this specific appliance.

This manual will contain specific testing and replacement of components such as:
Drive Train
Drive Motors
And much more

The Do-it-yourself Repair Manual will also give specific Symptom Diagnosis with very specific solutions for repairing. For example: too loud, not drying, removal of parts and much, MUCH more.

These also address wiring internal issues to help diagnose electrical problems.

Should I purchase the specific model’s service manual also?

These DIY manuals should not be purchased individually, they should really be used along with the specific service manual of the model you are repairing

Manufacturer: Service Manuals
Service Manuals DRYER (DIY) Manual
Immediately Available for DOWNLOAD
$12.99 excl tax

What is a Dryer Do-It-Yourself manual? 

Regular service/repair manuals that we sell for each manufacturer contain specific information on repairing the specific model. However, these assume a level of experience with repairing dryers. If not experienced, or you want to learn even more on repairing a refrigerator, sells DIY manuals for this specific appliance.

This manual will contain specific testing and replacement of components such as:

  • Drive Train
  • Timers
  • Switches
  • Thermostats
  • Drive Motors
  • Belts
  • Ignitors
  • And much more

The Do-it-yourself Repair Manual will also give specific Symptom Diagnosis with very specific solutions for repairing. For example: too loud, not drying, removal of parts and much, MUCH more.

These also address wiring internal issues to help diagnose electrical problems.

Should I purchase the specific model’s service manual also? 

These DIY manuals should not be purchased individually, they should really be used along with the specific service manual of the model you are repairing.

Product Descriptions


Products labeled “Service Manual” contain information associated to service and repair. Service Manuals generally provide information and instructions pertaining to product disassembly, schematic diagrams, parts lists, exploded views, troubleshooting guides, wiring diagrams, and much, much more.


Products labeled “Owner’s Manual” contain information associated to use and operation. Owner’s Manuals are generally included with new appliances and electronics. Owner’s Manuals generally provide information and instructions pertaining to the proper operation of the appliances or electronics they are packaged with. An Owner’s Manual may also include “Getting Started” guides, basic trouble shooting guides and maintenance and cleaning instructions. Not all appliances and electronics have Owner’s Manuals.


Products labeled “Fast Track”, “Fast Track Service Guide and Wiring”, “Fast Track Troubleshooting or Tech sheets” are servicing information manuals or sheets supplied by the appliance or electronics manufacturer. They are not as detailed as the manufacturer’s Service Manual but generally contain wiring, troubleshooting, exploded views, parts lists, and more. Not all appliances and electronics have Tech Sheets or Fast Track publications.


Products labeled “Training Manual” are manuals designed to be used in conjunction with the respective service manual. Training Manuals generally contain more in-depth servicing information and circuit explanations. Not all appliances and electronics have Training Manuals.


Products labeled “Supplement” contains additional information to be used in conjunction with the service manual. Supplements usually address changes in circuitry.
